Chat SystemEach letter of chat has a corresponding meaning . Here it is.
C = Chat channel (can read by peeople in chat channel.)
N = Public chat (can read by people in the same area.)
T = Trade chat (can hold message in a min.)
L = Shout chat (can read by the whole channel.)
G = Guild chat (can read by guild mates.)
P = Party chat (can read by party mates.)
W = Whisper chat (can read only by a one person.)
You can simply change your chat mode in an easy way, to do this you must put slash(/)then letter of the chat mode you want(/n) then press enter and it will instantly switch over. For chat whisper, you must type in the name of whom you wish to whisper to. For example /w (space) DarkElsyia (space) then message, or simply /w then enter then DarkElysia (space) then message. Or right click name in the chat window then message.
You can change the color of your message by simply Dollar Sign($)[Insert number here]NumberSign(#)[Insert text here]Dollar Sign($).
Ex. $9#Hello, everyone$
Multiple colors can be used in 1 line as well by following this system:
Dollar Sign($)Number(48)Number Sign(#)Hello everyone,Dollar Sign($)(space)Dollar Sign($)Number(33)Number Sign(#)thanks for reading my guide.Dollar Sign($)(space)Dollar Sign($)Number(9)Number Sign(#)Hope you enjoy it.Dollar Sign($)
This should be the result.
Hello everyone, thanks for reading my guide. Hope you enjoy it.
And if you failed the result would be.
Hello everyone, #thanks for reading my guide. #Hope you enjoy it.
Be sure to make those spaces between the end Dollar Sign($) and start with Dollar Sign($) otherwise you will simply end up typing a $ instead of color coding your text.